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Prototyping Europe

Prototyping Europe 2120

By turning today’s burning issues of democracy into inspirational visions, strong values and secret superpowers – from within and from outside – the interactive social art intervention explores the power of art to catalyze change enabling a deep layered critical reflection and actionability for the future of democracy. Our methodology is based on speculative design and…

AI for Future

AI for Future

Knowledge-based future technologies in environmental and climate protection and sustainability are extremely under-represented in comparison to their use in economy. On the one hand, opportunities are often not seen because of the lack of expert knowledge, on the other hand, talent search can not compete with the budgets of the private sector. In order to…

What is the Institute for Art and Innovation?

The Institute for Art and Innovation e.V. is a multidisciplinary institute that explores and promotes art and innovation as a means to foster social impact and change. It is an independent, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization based in Berlin, Germany and undertakes research, training, production and exchange. Through the linking of art and innovation, social changes can be pushed…