
We at IFAI bridge artistic and innovative powers to ignite sustainable transformation.

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It is aesthetic revolution that preludes societal revolution.

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Our interdisciplinary collaborations are essential for creating impact and inspiring change.

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Art engages in questioning and rethinking existing systems and paradigms.

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It allows playfulness and beauty while addressing serious issues and proposing positive futures.

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Artists and innovators are visionaries and agents for change with the ability to transform society.

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Who We Are


The ​Institute for Art and Innovation (IFAI Berlin) is specialized in the SSH integration. It facilitates  purpose-driven interventions at the intersection of art, science and technology catalyzing regenerative transformation. Its inter-/multi-/transdisciplinary projects connect and empower people and organizations by providing intelligent, innovative strategies, enriching ideation and research, co-creation and aggregating knowledge, and fostering tangible results…

What We Do

Our Projects

  • Social Art Award

    Social Art Award

    Social Art is any artistic expression that aims at creating a social impact and making a difference. This definition delineates the intention of the artist as crucial; Art engages in questioning and rethinking existing systems and paradigms. The current open call on Planetary Healing is open until Mar 30, 2025. Visionaries, utopists, agents for change from more than 147 countries with the ability to affect society by creating emotionally captivating experiences have been joining our network since 2017.

    The award intends to invigorate the rise of Social Art strengthening the recognition of social artists, valuing their work and eventually highlighting the importance of Social Art for our societies.


  • GEM

    Green Education in Media

    The EU project Green Education in Media (GEM) aims to reconnect media curricula to today’s environmental reality encompassing nature and its phenomena as well as man-made environment.

    How can digital skills and competencies ref. the creation of digital and virtual worlds occurring as story-worlds in filmmaking, serial writing and games, virtual explorable worlds in XR and digital communities in social media design be utilized to reflect on the impact of digital technology on our natural environment? IFAI organizes the Sustainable Futures Camp for students and teachers from 9 partner organizations. This EU project is supported by the Erasmus+ program (2022 – 2025).


  • ARt For Futures Lab

    Art For Futures Lab

    The Art For Futures Lab brings different stakeholders together to interdisciplinary working on the challenges of the 21st century. During the co-creation workshops, regenerative visions and strategies for probable and desirable futures are developed.

    Started in collaboration with Film University Babelsberg, the AFFL spreads knowledge about social and technological innovations as well as sustainable practices and lifestyles. This open innovation and participation project aspires to convert dialogues into a collective imagination and provides actionability to its participants. The project received the German Award for Sustainability Projects in 2024.


  • Token4Change


    This Erasmus+ EU-funded initiative (2024 – 2025) is designed to empower young people in Europe by fostering civic engagement and social entrepreneurship. In collaboration with Integrity.Earth, this project brings together pupils and local youth organizations from Liechtenstein with Social Design students from SRH Berlin University to co-develop a digital platform that amplifies youth voices and promotes democratic values.

    By focusing on the needs of the young generation, Token4Change aims to create a sustainable, youth-driven community where young people are actively involved in shaping their futures and contributing to positive societal impact.


  • Sustainable Coastal Futures

    Sustainable Coastal Futures

    This project engages citizens in co-creating future scenarios for sustainable ocean use In collaboration with EUCC-The Coastal Union Germany, H2Mare, and the Prep4Blue EU project, we explore the impacts of green energy production and transportation on coastal regions.

    Our workshops enhance ocean literacy and promote social inclusion through participatory processes – featuring expert insights on offshore green hydrogen production and using art and design methods like Future-Prototyping and Worldbuilding. The project supports Mission Ocean’s objectives by addressing green coastal energy acceptance, preventing pollution, and fostering a sustainable blue economy.


  • Ocean Future School Lab

    Ocean Future School Lab

    In collaboration with educators of primary and secondary schools, the Ocean Future School Lab (since 2024) empowers young minds to engage in marine conservation through creative learning and innovation. The participants explore sustainable solutions, interact with key stakeholders, and envision thriving scenarios for the co-existence with oceans and seas. Through co-creation and environmental stewardship, the lab nurtures the next generation’s ability to shape positive blue futures.

    Part of the UN Ocean Decade and funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education, the OFsL inspires youth to become leaders in safeguarding marine ecosystems and driving sustainable change.


  • Universal Sea

    The Universal Sea

    The Universal Sea movement pushes forward solutions to ensure resilient futures of our oceans. With an innovative, efficient and results-orientated approach we explore new collaboration models between art, science, technology, and business together with the public. 

    It was initiated as a project (EU co-funded 2017 – 2019) and has been a massive undertaking by establishing a strong network of more than 1100 artists and business innovators, 75 institutions, 20 universities, and 11 festivals. With our co-creation workshops, interventions and exhibitions we have attracted an audience of 6.5 million participants and 1.7 million online visitors coming from 70 countries.


  • Ocean Future Lab

    Ocean Future Lab

    The sustainable use of coasts, seas and oceans is a social challenge that affects us all. The Ocean Future Lab offers space for the co-creative and inspiring design of future scenarios for oceans. Citizens are invited to develop ideas for the future and possible action in exchange with artists and scientists.

    It was kicked-off in the “Science Year 2022 – Participate!” in collaboration with the German Alliance for Marine Research, the German Oceanographic Museum in Stralsund, the German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven, the Futurium in Berlin, and the Film University Babelsberg, supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research


  • Plastic Revolution

    The Plastic Revolution

    We expand in-depth on art-science-innovation collaborations pushing forward positive narratives and innovative solutions for the plastic epidemic by shifting from problem awareness to sustainability action. In collaboration with mentors, multipliers, educators, and experts from different fields we  address young people to develop solution ideas for a zero-waste future. It is about giving them the means to act and supporting long-term actors for change.

    Art serves as an inspiring trigger, cooperation with research institutes for knowledge transfer, and successful best practices of start-ups as a role model. The best approaches are supported in the implementation.


  • Material Lab

    Material Lab

    School x Science x Art meet at the artistic-experimental Material Lab to research on plastic alternatives, material innovations and technologies. By including it into the school curriculum we enable the young generation to get access to latest research on the burning issue of the plastic epidemic and to apply this directly into their own creations, experiencing self-efficacy. Starting point: Plastic waste diary of family consumption over 4 weeks, papers on recycling, micro-plastics in drinking water, (hormonal) effect of plastic on humans, garbage patches in the oceans, etc. Scientists provide insights, present materials and challenges, offer hands-on experiences. Students learn and experiment to develop their own materials and/ or products, artistic objects.

  • Hybrid Futures

    Hybrid Futures

    Exploring artistic visions and utopias at the interface of art, science and innovation together with the public is the aim of the festival and lab “Hybrid Futures Berlin – Building meaningful tomorrows”. Which forces can be generated through art-based hybrids? Berlin, with its diversity of cultures, lifestyles and processes of change, being a hub for innovation and startups, is the ideal breeding ground for creating visionary hybrids of artists with science, technology, education, housing, transport, environment, politics. The mix of possibilities, viewpoints and forms of expression hits on a broad variety of artistic artifacts, performances, interventions, models and simulations. Ten hybrid teams will form the Hybrid Future lab deepening the participative exploration of possible futures for the Berlin of tomorrow.

  • Precious Water

    Precious H2O

    On the meanings, values and futures of water. Water is the source of life, without water no life. Water is energy, water is memory. On the first sight, water is an unexciting liquid, flavorless and with crystalline structure, yet with the power to transform into different physical states, and to cause geopolitical threats leading to war and destruction. Water is vulnerable, minor contamination and its overuse lead to decreasing supplies of drinking water, while the rise of ocean levels causes threats of floods. For water as the most unspectacular, yet most needed and powerful linked essence – acting on innovative solutions ensures its availability and purity for the futures is realized int this experimental, transdisciplinary exploration at the intersections of science, business, and art.

  • Prototyping Europe

    Prototyping Europe 2120

    By turning today’s burning issues of democracy into inspirational visions, strong values and secret superpowers – from within and from outside – the interactive social art intervention explores the power of art to catalyze change enabling a deep layered critical reflection and actionability for the future of democracy. Our methodology is based on speculative design and prototyping practices, empowering people to dream big. It aims at making disruptive and visionary futures tangible and reachable to enhance today’s reflection and actionability, ensuring a beneficial future for all. Today, people are overwhelmed by negative visions, fears and fake news. For more positive guidance in uncertainty, we need to be able to envision how a bright democratic future can look and feel like.

  • AI for Future

    AI for Future

    Knowledge-based future technologies in environmental and climate protection and sustainability are extremely under-represented in comparison to their use in economy. On the one hand, opportunities are often not seen because of the lack of expert knowledge, on the other hand, talent search can not compete with the budgets of the private sector. In order to reduce this gap and not leave these technologies to financially strong elites, new approaches for more participation are urgently needed. AI for Future provides inspirational insight into the environmental and social innovation potentials of artificial intelligence. It enables low-threshold access, drives forward progressive approaches and art-based experiments towards marketable solutions, and value-based advancement of technologies.

  • Femart Accelerator

    FemART Accelerator

    This innovative model supports female artists in nurturing and developing talent and recognition.

    A group of great mentors provides a specific program teaching techniques in promoting, production and funding, and helps in creating high quality presentations and defeating procrastination.


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Art-based Interventions


Artists and Innovators


Million people involved


Countries reached

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Our Partners and Collaborators

Our activities are based on a broad interdisciplinary partner network.

/ Academy of Arts, Novi Sad, Serbia / Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb, Croatia / aMore Festival, Croatia / Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria / Art Moments Festival, Budapest, Hungary / Art Market Budapest, Hungary / betahaus, Berlin, Germany / Berlin School of Design and Communication, Germany / Cittadellarte Foundation, Biella, Italy / Cultural…

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/ Aalto University, Finland / Algalita Marine Research Institute, Long Beach, USA / Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Germany / Athens Services, Pacoima, USA  / Berlin International University / Chair of Aquatic System Biology Research, Germany / D2030 – Deutschland neu denken e.V., Germany / E-Learning Group, Vienna, Austria /…

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/ 5 Gyres Institute, Los Angeles, USA  / Albrecht von Dewitz Foundation, Germany  / Baltic Sea Challenge, Finland / Ecologic Institute, Berlin, Germany / European Coastal Union, Germany / German Ocean Foundation, Germany / German Alliance for Marine Research / Greenpeace, Hungary / H2Mare, Germany / Ocean.Now, Germany / Plastic Pollution Coalition, Berkeley, USA /…

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/ F6S, Ireland / 3Lateral, Serbia / Association of Environmental Service Providers and Manufacturers, Hungary / Business Spirit Platform / ChariTea, Germany / Circular Economy Asia / Clear Rivers, Netherlands / CSP innovazione nelle ICT / Duparec Kft. / DURAT, Finland / Germany’s Federal Government’s Centre of Excellence for the Cultural and Creative Industries /…

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/ City of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works, USA  / Climate Change Center, Germany / Consulate General of Germany, Los Angeles, USA / Creative Europe Programme / Erasmus+ Programme / EUPOP-European Popular Culture Association  / European Commission, Hungary / EU Delegation to the USA, Washington, USA / Federal Agency for Civic Education, Germany /…

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    Call us: +49 177 7878578
    visit us: Kastanienallee 12, 10435 Berlin, Germany
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