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Social Art Award

Social Art Award

Social Art is any artistic expression that aims at creating a social impact and making a difference. This definition delineates the intention of the artist as crucial; Art engages in questioning and rethinking existing systems and paradigms. The current open call on Planetary Healing is open until Mar 30, 2025. Visionaries, utopists, agents for change…


Green Education in Media

The EU project Green Education in Media (GEM) aims to reconnect media curricula to today’s environmental reality encompassing nature and its phenomena as well as man-made environment. How can digital skills and competencies ref. the creation of digital and virtual worlds occurring as story-worlds in filmmaking, serial writing and games, virtual explorable worlds in XR…

ARt For Futures Lab

Art For Futures Lab

The Art For Futures Lab brings different stakeholders together to interdisciplinary working on the challenges of the 21st century. During the co-creation workshops, regenerative visions and strategies for probable and desirable futures are developed. Started in collaboration with Film University Babelsberg, the AFFL spreads knowledge about social and technological innovations as well as sustainable practices…

Universal Sea

The Universal Sea

The Universal Sea movement pushes forward solutions to ensure resilient futures of our oceans. With an innovative, efficient and results-orientated approach we explore new collaboration models between art, science, technology, and business together with the public.  It was initiated as a project (EU co-funded 2017 – 2019) and has been a massive undertaking by establishing…

Ocean Future Lab

Ocean Future Lab

The sustainable use of coasts, seas and oceans is a social challenge that affects us all. The Ocean Future Lab offers space for the co-creative and inspiring design of future scenarios for oceans. Citizens are invited to develop ideas for the future and possible action in exchange with artists and scientists. It was kicked-off in…

Plastic Revolution

The Plastic Revolution

We expand in-depth on art-science-innovation collaborations pushing forward positive narratives and innovative solutions for the plastic epidemic by shifting from problem awareness to sustainability action. In collaboration with mentors, multipliers, educators, and experts from different fields we  address young people to develop solution ideas for a zero-waste future. It is about giving them the means…

Material Lab

Material Lab

School x Science x Art meet at the artistic-experimental Material Lab to research on plastic alternatives, material innovations and technologies. By including it into the school curriculum we enable the young generation to get access to latest research on the burning issue of the plastic epidemic and to apply this directly into their own creations,…